Intel’s first batch of Coffee Lake desktop CPUs added cores alongside a high-end Z370 platform primed for overclocking. The increased horsepower is ideal for people who do more with their PCs, whether it’s serious work like content creation and video editing, or recreational tasks like live-streaming gaming sessions. But extra cores aren’t limited to flagship territory. They extend all the way down to the entry-level Core i3, and today they’re joined by new H370 and B360 platforms that bring additional connectivity to affordable price points. We’ve deployed these chipsets across a complete family of ASUS 300-series motherboards that help everyone get the most out of their PCs. A new generation built on an evolved foundation Every build and user is different, so we offer a range of options across ROG, TUF Gaming, and Prime lines. While each family has distinct aesthetics and personalities, all three draw from core ASUS DNA that has been carefully refined over nearly 30...